Symfony2「blogチュートリアル(3) バンドルの作成」

2011年12月12日 オフ 投稿者: KYO
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Symfony2「blogチュートリアル(3) バンドルの作成」







php app/console generate:bundle –namespace=My/BlogBundle –format=yml


Xdebug requires Zend Engine API version 220060519.
The Zend Engine API version 220090626 which is installed, is newer.
Contact Derick Rethans at for a later version of Xdebug.

Welcome to the Symfony2 bundle generator

Your application code must be written in bundles. This command helps
you generate them easily.

Each bundle is hosted under a namespace (like Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle).
The namespace should begin with a “vendor” name like your company name, your
project name, or your client name, followed by one or more optional category
sub-namespaces, and it should end with the bundle name itself
(which must have Bundle as a suffix).

Use / instead of \ for the namespace delimiter to avoid any problem.

Bundle namespace [My/BlogBundle]:

In your code, a bundle is often referenced by its name. It can be the
concatenation of all namespace parts but it’s really up to you to come
up with a unique name (a good practice is to start with the vendor name).
Based on the namespace, we suggest MyBlogBundle.

Bundle name [MyBlogBundle]:

The bundle can be generated anywhere. The suggested default directory uses
the standard conventions.

Target directory [/home/user/public_html/repos/blog.git/src]:

Determine the format to use for the generated configuration.

Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation) [yml]:

To help you getting started faster, the command can generate some
code snippets for you.

Do you want to generate the whole directory structure [no]?

Summary before generation

You are going to generate a “My\BlogBundle\MyBlogBundle” bundle
in “/home/user/public_html/repos/blog.git/src/” using the “yml” format.

Do you confirm generation [yes]?

Bundle generation

Generating the bundle code: OK
Checking that the bundle is autoloaded: OK
Confirm automatic update of your Kernel [yes]?
Enabling the bundle inside the Kernel: OK
Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]?
Importing the bundle routing resource: OK

You can now start using the generated code!





$ vim app/autoload.php
… 以下を追記
‘My’ => DIR.’../src/’,


$ vim app/AppKernel.php
… 以下の登録があることを確認
new My\BlogBundle\MyBlogBundle();


ref. blogチュートリアル(3) バンドルの作成